November 20, 2009

A tale of two mountains

"Two mountains decided to talk, but couldn’t being mountains. So they decided to build a vine bridge by which they could communicate, but one of them didn’t really try so after a while the other one gave up and wove itself a balloon and floated away."


"A long time ago, two mountains decided to talk. But mountains can't talk and mountains are what they were. So they decided to build a vine bridge by which they could communicate. However, one of the two mountains was lazy and untrue. It only halfheartedly began working on the bridge and was soon doing other things. So the first mountain, the hard working one, stopped building the bridge and used all of its vines to build a balloon and floated away."

Not fixed on which I like best yet. I'm waiting for one of the versions to float away.


  1. One morning the Great Webmaster in the sky pressed delete (with a trembling finger), and lo, the second story dissapeared.

  2. But luckily or unluckily, depending on how you see it, the second story pulled off its saving throw.
    Back to ² one.
