April 28, 2010

Tasalagi Tale (1/9)

   Billy Lightfoot was his name and we grew to be like siblings to one another. It was spring and the Dogwoods downtown were in bloom when I first met him. He was being roughed up by a couple of local bullies, your basic white trash. He was valiantly fighting a lost battle: there were too many of them and they were so much older than he was, heck, he was my age. Come to think of it they were only five of them and they probably weren't that much older than we were, just older teens; but neither Billy nor I had had our growth spurts yet so, to us, these fellas looked mighty big. Anyhow, being the way I was at the time, I heroically jumped headfirst and rather stupidly into the fray. Had I been just a bit older or smarter I would have diverted their attention somehow, pretended that the cops were coming, or screamed bloody murder, or something like that... but hey, I was just a feisty little kid.

   There we were he and I, side by side for the first time. He fought with a wild spirit like an unbroken stallion and charged recklessly at his opponents whooping war cries for the heck of it. I, on the other hand fought quietly, calculating my moves to be as coldly efficient as possible. We were an oddly assorted pair. In the end nobody left the "battlefield" without his fair share of bumps and bruises, in fact we had had more than our fair share and could barely walk but we were proud as peacocks to have scared those bullies off. We decided to celebrate so we bought ourselves a pair of Dr.Peppers and Baby Ruths, and as we had our victory feast, we got acquainted. I asked him then about his war cries and he just smirked, shrugged his shoulders and answered: "I don't know, I saw that on TV... Since they were beating me up for being Indian... it seemed to fit just right." We both laughed heartily and it was at that moment that our friendship really started. 


  1. Great story! Somehow it reminds me of Stand by Me. :)

  2. Thanks Aubrie!
    Stand by me eh? (google time) Haven't seen it... I wonder if the other parts are going to remind of that movie as well. I rather doubt it, judging from the synopsis I found on IMDB. But I hope you enjoy them as well.

  3. Nice story - sounds like the start of a great relationship

  4. Aloha Lulu! Glad you liked it. It is that, stay tuned for more. : j

  5. There is nothing like recalling our childhood friends. Children are so honest and straightforward; what you see is what you get. It was so easy then to find those best friends, much easier than it is today.
    Loved the story, it was precious.;)

  6. Hmm... I reckon I'm just as bad at making friends today as I was a a child. I was a precocious little misanthrope. : j
    Glad you liked the beginning of this story, Zuzana.

  7. You captured well the endearing elements of what begins a friendship.

  8. Heya Paul. Did I? Gosh... I'll see what I can do to set them free.
    Thanks for the comment.

  9. A fine example of bonds formed in the military. They are lifelong...born of battles fought side by side against a common foe.

  10. Aloha Annie.
    Couples born under fire can face what is dire?
    Maybe so... Maybe so.

  11. This is a great story. I'm so hoping it's true. My daughter had a friendship in the 3rd grade that started out this way. She saved a girl who was circled by 'mean girls,' being taunted and poked. Her story didn't turn out well, as the girl forever looked to her as her savior. It got rather inconvenient.

  12. Alesa, what a great story. It made me feel so happy to see the beginning of their friendship blossoming from adversity, and to see once again a good thing coming from the bad. You have some very powerful images in here and it was so well written. Looking forward to reading more of your work :)

  13. @Kass: Well, I suppose it's fairly common that weak people in need have to rely on stronger people. It isn't always easy to handle, even for adults. Glad you're liking the story!

    @Julie: Hello Julie, welcome! Thanks for the kind words!
    Powerful images? Oh, yeah. Nothing quite like Soft drink bottles and candy wrappers!
    Obtuse? Watashi? ; j Joking set aside, I'm delighted that you're enjoying the ride.
