April 1, 2010

Popinsub, a portrait of a person in the subway

Pale of face, dark of eye and hair, dour in mien with lips slashed red...
Smile, laugh, and make merry for sorrow calls to sorrow as joy calls to joy.
Of the two, which would you call upon yourself?


  1. Pale of face? That didn't make much sense...
    basically, you're saying you saw a depressed goth in subway and wondering why depressed people aren't happy instead. Why obfuscate the point?

  2. So if I purr, someone will purr back. Cool.

  3. @Ranter What sense would you have me make? Common sense is so banal... Nonsense is a paradox, a state that is by not being.
    What I saw was a wisp of meaning in a number of unrelated things, a wisp of dreams that rode words into reality. What you see is entirely up to you, that is the point obfuscated or not.

    @anonymous Correct, though first you have to purr... That said, I'm all for preemptive purring: Purrrrr.

  4. of the two I prefer to call upon joy however sorrow has a way of answering sometimes

  5. Hello Ann, thanks for dropping by.
    That is the risk of opening the door, you can never be sure sure of what will walk through it.
    The trick is in the timing...
    At least by opening it, you have a chance for joy to come; unlike those whose stay behind locked doors and pale masks.

  6. I love the image here. Sneaking peeks at people's faces is one of my favorite things to do on the subway. Because it's a subway, people don't usually look particularly happy. But many appear interesting.

  7. On average, its true most people tend to look engulfed in blah... But those reading are amongst the exceptions to this rule.

    In this specific case, it was a woman dressed in "gothic" (catch-all term) style (mish-mash of Victorian, leathers, chains, and Celtic jewelry)... the whole was creative, original, and aesthetic, which I find isn't often the case where "goths" are concerned.

    Either she had been having a hard time in life, or she was projecting an image of pretending to digest battery acid... No way of telling really, and none of my business when you get right down to it.

    Still, I'm always impressed by people who go through the trouble and expense (in time, money, energy, etc.) to craft their image creatively. Doubly so when it's adults, where I suspect it's harder to maintain.
