April 8, 2010

Umisei Yamasei Chaya

The earthen road binding the coastal city of Mi-Nôzu to the inland city of Osaku stretches through lush green valleys studded with black stone and clumps of venerable trees. In the cleft of one of these valleys lies the farming village of Kakuno. Rice paddies border the road on both sides of it. Tis a typical small farming community with it's tiny shintoist shrine next to a flowing weeping willow and a mere handful of wooden and thatched houses. Just beyond the village, a tangeant path leaves the main road. A plain wooden sign is posted at the foot of the way that winds it way up the valley's forested side. Upon it, in skillfully simple calligraphy, beautiful black Kanji (ideograms) announce, "Umisei Yamasei Chaya" (Trans.= the Mountain and sea spirits tea-house).

Ages ago dark volcanic mountains reigned herein but the spirits of rain and wind softened them, so that now all that remains of them is a holy stone. Twas said to have been a tear shed by Amaterasu at the death of Yoroishiku, human hero of old who saved her from wedding Yanami and was said to have been her lover. As the path winds up the valley, trees gradually block the village from view. The stone stands, at man height, just a short ways off of the path in a clearing amidst ancient red-trunked firs. It’s bound with two plaited straw ropes adorned with white paper twists, and looks like naught more than a rounded shard of black stone, yet somehow one feels the presence of positive Tama (energy or identity of a shinto spirit). A nearby yet invisible delicate waterfall fills the clearing with a gentle whisper. Local legend has it that the stream's waters once came from the evermelt of a mountain glacier. With time the melting glaciers had disappeared but the waters had gathered 'neath the earth and flowed forth, following out of love the same path as it did before though the mountain it cherished had changed into a valley. Thus exceptionally pure water flowed down the valley to feed the rice paddies and the village therein. Exceptionally pure waters that would make a tea lover's delight.

Which brings us to the chaya... It stands atop of the valley as if carried by the surrounding trees and lifted to the sky, affording it an impregnable view of all the surrounding lands. On exceptionally clear days one can see distant mountains on one side of the horizon and the sea on the other. No garden implements the house and none is needed as nature’s beauty requires no human intervention for perfection herein. The crystal stream takes its source next to the house and delights the eyes before running away amongst the trees. Some plum and cherry trees were planted long ago, so as to delight with their blossoms in spring and to make umeboshi (pickled plums)in fall. The leaves are now brilliant red and gold and have just begun to fall: at sunset they seem to fill the sky. The leaves that lazily find their way into the stream are swiftly born away dancing merrily on the currents.

The chaya itself looks more like a large country home than a tea-house: a square wooden building, with lested earthenware shingles, built around a fireplace in the main room, with a small kitchen and bathhouse annexed to the main building. The interior is sparsely yet sufficiently furnished and decorated. There are a few sumie (ink paintings) paintings and calligraphy on the walls left by inspired guests. One of the paintings, in haboku style (strong stroked impressionistic monochromatic ink painting), depicts a squirrel as it hesitates between tasting a nearby stream’s water and eating the nut it holds in it’s paws. Another, in ma-hsia style (a monochromatic highly detailed classical Chinese style), depicts a heron somewhat condescendingly observing something -possibly everything- from a perch on a branch of pine. Some of the caligraphy are poems, yet two stand out as puzzling : a simple circle like figure “O” and a rotund “Q” like figure, obviously a story untold lies behind them.

A few hours from dawn, within the house, a man sits at a low table in front of an ink set and some drying sketches of a kaki (persimmon). He is the host, Terruro Magunojo, and is awaiting his guests, the food is ready and the fire burns bright. Perhaps one of the guests will add to the works on the walls?

Picture by the awesome Michael Kenna 


  1. This sounds like a beautiful place. I guess you've been there?...
    Do you speak French? Is English your second language?
    This piece is quite mysterious. Is it to be continued?

  2. I'm a native bilingual (french/english)...
    I mostly forgot my first tongue as a child so now I make do with two languages that are tied for second place.

    Only my mind went there a-traveling, unraveling time withheld my body from joining it. In other words, the landscape has barely changed in some places so it is easy to remember, or perhaps just imagine; and the names of places that I used are historically accurate for the region I'm describing, but they have been mostly consigned to the history books. This is a place in my mind, a place that might have been long ago.

    Perhaps, that is why when I first wrote it, it failed badly, fared poorly, sailed like a deep sea diving stone.

    Methinks the host has long awaited the day
    that guests came in, to see what they'd say
    It is meant to be an invitation to play...
    That failing, it's a plate of cookies
    Help yourself.

  3. Ok, I'll bite...
    I remove my shoes and enter the tea house's common room. I greet the host with a curt nod and take a seat on a floor cushion next to a low table. "I wonder what the deal is with the black circle painting?" I ask aloud, half to myself.

  4. Alesa, you come out with some really great lines: ..two languages tied for 2nd place...sailed like a deep sea diving stone...
    I would like to add to the art on the walls, if it's all right with Terruro Magunojo.

  5. Teruro smiles at his two guests and says "Irrashaimase!" (welcome!). He fetches a plump zabuton (square flat cushion) and seats the guest who was still standing at a comfortable spot next to the fire, but with a view through the double sliding doors onto the vastness of the valley below and the environing mountains.

    He bustles at the central fire place getting water ready for tea. As he stokes the fire, he says over his shoulder, "Aha, I see you've noticed one of our masterpieces! A few years ago an aging renegade zen monk from the rinzai sect came this way and in exchange for refreshments he painted that curious piece." He gestures to what looks like a big fat "O". "At first, I thought he was making fun of me, offering such a simple painting... But before I could protest he launched into the story that made it valuable. A story I shall tell you as he told me. He said that when he was a young boy, he trained in the home of a great zen master with a handful of older apprentices.
    He told me that late one evening the senior apprentices were pressing their venerable master for an explanation of the true nature of zen. The old man at first ignored his students' clamoring voices, quietly sipping his tea on the porch looking up into the vastness of the star-studded night sky. But the students got more insistent and strident, finally the master turned away from the night sky, looked at them and quirked a brow asking for his writing implements to be fetched. And what you see there," said pointing at the painting yet again, "is a recreation of what the old master drew... It completely baffled the students but they could get nothing further from their master due to the fact that he had retired for the night. As the story was told to me, the students stayed up all night trying to make sense of it and when the master rose in the morning he asked his students starting from the oldest to explain the meaning of his painting. One by one the students either admitted to not understanding or gave fanciful but meaningless answers; one by one the students were cast out from the master's tutelage and home... Finally it was the boy's turn and he started to sweat big drops out of worry because he too had no idea what the painting meant, but suddenly he had an awakening, a satori, and the boy said "It's the moon!". The old master smiled and patted the boy on the head. And the boy served the old man throughout his twilight years..." The man pauses as he lifts the lid of the forged great iron pot to check the water. "Yes, I too wasn't satisfied with that either. So I asked the monk for further explanations, what did the moon have to do with zen? The monk laughed and explained that just as you can't paint a real moon, you can't explain zen; to see the real moon you must look up into the face of night, to understand zen you must experience it.-If you ask me, the old master just wanted to silence his noisy students and enjoy his tea in peace..."
    "Pardon me? Oh you would like add art to the walls? Please do, you'll find an ink-stone, brushes, and everything you need in the cabinet over there in the tokonoma (alcove)."

  6. Alesa, I'm glad I went through the archives and found this treasure. All the more beautiful that you visited this place in your mind instead of real life. And yes, it's a beautiful picture, but your words painted a greater work of art.

    I had to be more poetic in descriptions of certain places in The Disappearances. I really struggled with those scenes. It wouldn't have been a problem for you.

  7. Ha... I had forgotten about this piece.
    Yeah it was a re-edition and also failed attempt at engaging the readers to walk into the picture.

    But judging from your reaction I guess it works well enough as a stand alone piece. Thanks. : j
    Oh yeah lyricism comes easy to me... It's the writing that's hard! ; j
    Long-winded descriptions of places aren't very popular in popular fiction... Modern pacing rarely seems to have room for it. Shrug.
    Hmm... I wonder how your poetic descriptions turned out.

    I hesitate to offer... as I'm sure you already have more uncompromising beta readers than you can use, but if you'd like I'd be interested and happy to serve you in that function.
