May 22, 2010

Under the gables (10/10 end)

   I know not how long I stayed thus. The conditions of my confinement stretched each second well beyond its breaking point. The darkness was stifling, but bearable in contrast with the things behind the door, their constant malicious demented laughter, and the eerie far-off fluting that seems to accompany them like a noxious cloud.

   My fear stemmed from far more than the imminence of my physical demise... Truly, what shattered my courage to the core was the inexplicable nature of these things. These creatures were blatantly impossible. They existed in defiance of the laws of nature and reason, and that triggered within me an almost atavistic abhorrence, a primal loathing for that which should not exist.

   I started to wonder if fear had pushed me into the realm hysteric delusions when I realized that amidst the sounds of dull thumping against the trap door, the evil cackling laughter, and the infernal far off fluting music, I could hear whispers. At first I couldn't make much out, but the darkness and the enclosed space acted like a lens, magnifying the sound.

   I could make out five or six different hoarse and bizarrely breathless voices all whispering in different languages. I recognized a few, such as English, German, Dutch, Arabic, Spanish, French. There were also many I didn't recognize, but that I imagined to be long deceased tongues. Slowly they were all replaced by a dreadful language that sounded like cockroaches creeping through my ears and crawling into my brain. I have no rational explanation for it, but I am certain that language was never meant for human mouths or minds…

   This torture went on for what felt like hundreds of revolutions of the earth around the sun. My world had shrunk to a small dark and musty space polluted by the noisome horrors that lay just outside of it. Verily, I know not how long I stayed thus; surely no more than a few hours. Each passing second slowly tautened my nerves… I almost laughed in fear when, gleaming as if lit from within with a hellish dirty yellow light, a pair of eyes opened in the darkness before me.

“I hear you failed to use my present,” a familiar voice filled with uncanny echoes said conversationally.
It was Petoh Talrayn! I could not explain it, but somehow he was there…
“You would have made a fine addition to my instruments… Instead you gave it to one my creatures. No matter. You will join us next time.”
“Wh-What are they?”
“They are creations of mine… They are the echoes of music I made many a millennia ago. They are foolish creatures who believe that they are no longer my instruments. Instruments I have come to collect… Speaking of which, it is time.” The glowing eyes closed and the fading voice said “We shall meet again...”

   There was complete silence outside the trap door, and I was approaching it to lay my ear against it when I was thundered by sound… For want of a better word I shall qualify it as music. It seemed torn from the fundamental fabric of the matter around me, from the very atoms of my body. A music like the wrenching of a mind gone mad, an orchestra of delirium that could outdo any of Dante’s worst nightmares. The soul deafening sound all but unhinged my being, yet a small part of me recognized what I was hearing. It was to the noxious music accompanying the creatures as the sun is to a flame. My hands mindlessly tore at the bolt with the reckless abandon of an animal in flight, anything to distance myself from the madness I recognized as composing the core of this otherworldly insanity, this masquerade of music.

   My recollections get hazy at this point… I must have exited the house, for my next memory is of Talrayn dressed in the splendor of the old Pharaohs of ancient Egypt. He was walking away in the direction of the mountains. Flying around him, in a manner akin to that of dogs capering about their master were seven flying heads, just one more than the number of houses in Ipswich. They were preceded by what can only be described as a curtain of darkness in which I would swear I saw galaxies dying…

   I regained consciousness in the middle of the path leading to the house and fled… I have been fleeing since. When I went back to my apartment to gather some of my belongings -my typewriter, and my mattress money- I found a note from the police requesting my presence on the matter of the disappearance of one Randolph Marley. Naturally, I ignored this. I knew what had happened.

   I have since been on the run by day and locked in brightly light rooms by night, trying to piece together what I witnessed. I have read the Book of Eibon, the De Vermis Mysteriis, and the Miskatonic University’s copy of the dread tome Necronomicon. I have identified Talrayn. He has gone by many names through the history of mankind… And in the words of men, the closest there is to a true name for him is Nyarlathotep…

   He, or it perhaps might be more appropriate, is an eldritch being from a world far removed from ours. He came to our planet in its infancy and has walked among us since, reveling in the twisting of minds and bodies for purposes known only unto him… And this… This is what awaits me in the dark. Yes, he is coming for me. And someday, maybe tomorrow, maybe in a few months or in a few years… he will come for you.


  1. Oh gee, thanks a lot. Just one more reason to be paranoid.

  2. Sorry this is so late!

    A surprising number of things happened ranging from impromptu house guests to unexpected midnight makeshift plumbing (who knew that rubber joints could rot? I makeshift fixed it using a plastic bag).
    I'm taking off in a few hours and I'm just now starting to pack. Sigh.

    Hope you enjoyed the ending as much as the rest (I'm disappointed everyone doesn't die, I mean, no one even lost their minds! ;}).

    Take care everyone, see you all in 10 days.
    Thanks for reading. : 7

  3. LoL, heya Kass, nice to see you.
    Only if you fuel your paranoia with fiction. : j
    Which isn't a good call at any rate. ; j

  4. The ending was surprising. I wonder if there will be a part II?

    Hope you have a good trip. See you when we're both back to blogging!

  5. Sorry about your plumbing issues. What bad timing!

  6. Yes, I just about devoured this against my will. You have an incredible original style and it gave me goosebumps. Crazy evil alien spirit better not come for me!

  7. sorry, this last post was meant for your other blog. Google reader has a mind of its own.

  8. nope- this was the right one. Never mind. I'm insane. Maybe your scary guy has already gotten to me...

  9. "A music like the wrenching of a mind gone mad, an orchestra of delirium that could outdo any of Dante’s worst nightmares."

    Love that line!

    Feel so sorry for her! Great ending, though, and I hope you have a lovely trip!

  10. I like this ending – leaving things open like that. Have a great trip.

  11. Oh my, instead of conclusion, this made more confused and thirsty to learn more.
    The line between the real and the unreal is very thin.
    I am now off to make an online search for Nyarlathotep.

  12. Hey there Theresa! No, no part 2... I think you're supposed to think that Jaimee either looses her mind eventually, or gets taken by Nyarlathotep.
    Amazingly my makeshift is holding fine, I've gotten joints but I haven't gotten around to fixing it since I got back. Hard to get motivated to fix something that ain't broke.

    Aloha sweet'n Creepy! Well, this crazy original style ain't mine, I was channeling Lovecraft. : j
    That said, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
    Nihaome Sangu! I dig how there's sometimes a line that will please you in particular... 3/4s of the time I know as I write it. I think, "Ha, I bet Sangu is going to like this bit".
    Salut Vagabonde! I'm glad you liked the ending, I had a bit of an argument with the voices in my head as to how I should finish it. : j The voices were more for a finish with an immediate inescapable doom knocking at the door... But I preferred this. I don't think Lovecraft would approve though. Oh well. : j
    Ola Zuzana! All I can recommend if you want to learn more about Nyarlathotep and about the other outer gods is to read the dread tome Necronomicon... Just kidding. Read some Lovecraft. He's pretty much the main representative of the "weird fiction" genre... If you like the style, the cthulhu mythos is fun to read. : j

  13. This was so good. Ive finally caught up with the story. Real creepy, loved the heads. I could visualise it all. :o) Will grab another cuppa and read your latest posts.

  14. Heya Niki, nice to hear from you! Glad you enjoyed the story. It was not a style I was used to.
    I cheated by bringing old acquaintances, Nuke Kubi... They are traditional supernatural creatures from Japanese folk tales. Thanks for taking the time to follow the story. : j
